Category: Growing Daffodils

cow patties and daffodils

The question came up whether daffodil seeds sprout in cow chips or other livestock dung. This shot shows a cow patty that seems to have been dropped on this daffodil when the foliage was already up out of the ground…

Daffodil seed and cow plop

Hello All, I find it inconceivable that a cow would knowingly eat daffodil foliage. In my expeirence cattle will browse all round daffodil clumps eating the grass. As to a daffodil growing through a cow plop, what a good shot.…

N. wilkommii

N. willkommii grows well for me, it gets some summer water and also baking. It has spread to a big patch in a raised bed. We have a northern mediteranean climate with some temperatures in the 25 degree F a…

Whetstone Park

I’ve been asked to tell you about another way daffodils are disappearing. Some of you will remember the garden at Whetstone Park that the Central Ohio Daffodil Society maintained for many years. (more than 30 we think) At one time…