Category: Hybridizing

Discussion by daffodil hybridzers around the world, about daffodil fertility and breeding programs accompanied with many photos of seedlings.

Species Daffodils

I’m still using the 2011 ADS Daffodils to Show and Grow for names and classification of species daffodils.  It has a very good list to include the natural Interectional hybrids listed with an x in front of the name.  I…

Selecting bulbs to chip, guidance

All, I plan on chipping bulbs this season and understand that single nosed, round bulbs are what to use. However there are some varieties where the only single-nose bulbs are newly separated off-sets that are definitely *not* round. But, they…

How long can you keep frozen pollen viable??

I’m a pollen collector.  l collect pollen from my garden, but when I go to shows I try to collect pollen from some of the best show blooms.  I store in gel capsules and keep in the freezer.  Typical storage…