Category: Seedling

Photographs and discussions about seedlings.

Lawrence Trevanion’s program on “BREEDING ADVANCES IN DIVISIONS 5, 6, 7, 8 AND 10 IN AUSTRALIA”

For those of you who were in on Lawrence Trevanion’s excellent  presentation last Wednesday night, March 31, we’re happy to report that he was able to send us his PowerPoint with the live links to all of the discussions he…

New seedlings

These five years old, two very little seedlings of N. assoanus x N. elegans/N. obsoletus are flowering. Perhaps next year they shall have more than one flower per stem. Theo

Late Surprise , 2020 .

Very  little  left  to  flower, –  however  a  visit  yesterday  to  my  cutflower   patch  ,  where  most  of  my  seedling  are  ,  brought  an  unusually  ,  very  interesting  surprise . Checking  a  small  line  of  seedlings  from  the  cross  ,…