Category: Judging

Discussions about daffodil judging.

Picking the best

Mike, I think you have answered your own question. You know what a good Veteran’s Honor looks like so you know when you are looking at a good one. You gained that knowledge through the experience of judging and exhibiting.…

Judging/Staging Beautiful Collections

It is so encouraging to see the positive discussion of staging issues, going beyond the fairly cut-and-dried technicalities of judging collections. However, I think we tend to limit our imaginations and indeed our capacity to achieve more beautiful collections if…

How to judge collections

Well, now that THAT’S settled, how about another question to which there may not be an easy answer, i.e. which of the two collections pictured by Kirby is the more beautiful? I suspect many will disagree with me, but despite…

Judging Daffodils

This season that has ended for me, including judging.  I had a learning curve adjustment will judging this year.  I had a judge on one of my panels that was trying to explain to me how they judged collections my noting…