Category: Show Results

Information and photos of Daffodil Shows around the world.

More Livermore photos: Lavender ribbon

The winning collection of 5 miniature cultivars was entered by Harold Koopowitz and Marilynn Howe. The cultivars are: 98-71 2YYW-OOY (Biometrics x Candlepower), 03-009/1 8W-W (Supreme Empire x N. dubius), Itsy Bitsy Splitsy 11aY-O, 01-077/1 5W-W (Acceleration x N. triandrus),…

Livermore photos: purple ribbon

The ADS purple ribbon for the best collection of five standard cultivars apart from those eligible for the Red, White and Blue and the Maroon ribbons, was won by Melissa Reading for her five red or orange cups. The cultivars…

Livermore photos: mini Rose ribbon

The mini rose ribbon was won by Harold Koopowitz and Marilynn Howe for the seedling 01/049/1, 8 W-P, with the parentage Brooke Ager x N. dubius. Harold and Marilynn showed several lovely pink-cupped seedlings derived from crosses with N. dubius.…