Daffodils and Electricity!

Our daffodil photographers make many sacrifices and put themselves at great personal risk to take the very best photos for our enjoyment. At one of our Convention Tour stops on Sunday, Keith Kridler felt the heat of an electric fence while photographing a bulb fly (of all things!). I would post a photo of Keith, however he was moving so fast to get away from the fence, that my photo of him is one big blurry object.

Below is Brent Heath who is dangerously close to the very same fence that Keith had just completed a personal conductivity test. Brent interpreted our waving of arms and calling out to him as gestures of greetings rather than warnings. Brent weathered through his photography experience without the singe that Keith took from the same fence.

All in the name of daffodils!

Brent Heath and the "hot" fence

Brent Heath and the “hot” fence

1 comment for “Daffodils and Electricity!

  1. I’ll bet Keith has not moved that fast since he entered the field with the bull to take photos of daffodils. You would not think someone so close to town would need an electric fence, but it is to try to keep the deer out of the garden!


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