Flowering at Ngatimoti.

Happy New Year to all our daffodil friends!  It is mid-summer here and the New Zealand flax (Phormium) is in flower.  Much enjoyed by the tui.  This lovely photo was taken by son-in-law John Russell, a keen amateur photographer.  The tui is a nectar-feeder and pollinator of the flax often seen with the face covered with pollen. 
Denise and Neil
Denise and Neil McQuarrie
New Zealand 7161
Phone (03) 526 8847


3 comments for “Flowering at Ngatimoti.

  1. Hello Denise and Neil,
    What a picture, it would grace any bird book! And it lets me see what a Tui really looks like! I remember its voice but I only got flying glimpses in your garden. Thanks for posting the pic.

  2. Hello Denise and others,

    We have spent twenty years trying to attract tui into our garden at Matangi.  Last August four turned up and, of all things, fed off the nectar in camellia flowers!  We had hoped they would nest here but, alas, when all the other birds were busy nesting the tui disappeared.  Apparently they nest very near to where they were born.  We do hope they return – as the photo posted by Denise shows they are a very beautiful bird.



  3. Dear Denise and Neil:

    What a beautiful photo of “the tui” bird.  I have never heard of, nor seen a photo of one before.  The indigo coloration is striking, and the “boa” around the neck is rather unique.  My compliments to your son in law John Russell for a great photo.

    Dave Liedlich

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