Twink & Orange Phoenix

Dear All, It seems that my  message of yesterday  lost 2 of the pictures in the move across cyber space so I will attempt  send the pictures of Twink and Orange Phoenix !

Wish me Luck Ian

1 comment for “Twink & Orange Phoenix

  1. Hi Ian, Your two photos uploaded to Daffnet in great shape.  However, they appear to have not been “inserted” into your message.  To do this, login and click on the “Edit Post” button above and put your cursor where you want the first photo to be displayed and click on the “upload/insert” button.

    Instead of copying these from your pc again, select the “Media Library” and you should see your two photos at the very top. Click on the word “Show” to the right of your first photo and then, click on the “Insert into Post” button. The next screen you should see is your message with the photo inserted. To insert the second photo, you might want to press your space bar once or twice after the first photo and repeat steps starting with upload/insert.  When you are all finished inserting your photos or adjusting your text, click on the blue “Update” button and your message will be redisplayed with your additions or changes.

    A couple of people have had the same experience and it looks like it is that last step of clicking on the “Insert into Post” button that is the doozey!  Looking forward to seeing your photos because someone walked into this weekend’s Livermore Show with what looked like a bouquet of ‘Twink’.

    All the Best,  Nancy


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