
Three more earthquake stories and then I’ll finish.
An Auckland businessman was quite blase about the September earthquake and thought it was about time the chicken livered Cantabrians got over it. He was at a meeting in Christchurch when the second big one hit. They reckon he was still white faced when he arrived in Nelson the next day.
The Robb’s house was okay after the second one. However Jeanette had had a fall at work and was in hospital with four broken ribs and a broken wrist.
Leitha has a meeting in Sumner every Tuesday afternoon. On the day of the earthquake she had another meeting at 6pm so decided to come home and get our old car, leave the brand new school one at home and go directly to the second meeting. She left here at 1:40pm and was in Woolston when the quake struck at 1:51pm. The car rattled and rolled but she continued on. The car broke down when she was close to Redcliffs. If she had continued she would have been driving past hills where rocks the size of houses were tumbling down. If she had not been hit the experience would have been traumatic. Sumner was cut off and she would not have got home.
Our son in law is a mechanic and he came with me to pick up Leitha’s car. A spark plug had popped out of the block. Mark screwed it back in and drove the car home. Leitha maybe had good luck, coincidence or Divine intervention. We know which one we think. (Not for debate on Daffnet!)
For Ian,
I was wearing shorts when I arrived at Murphys last year. Judging by the reaction I think people thought it inappropriate. At least I had brown legs coming from a hot summer. With the English white skin I should imagine they will think you are off to a game of cricket in your long whites.