Category: General

Information and photos about people, organizations, publications and resources and flowers other than daffodils.

FBM costumes

Ian Tyler guessed Spencer’s costume as ‘White Tie’. I’m impressed! Melissa Reading and Ceci Brown got John Beck as a narcissus bulb fly. (We hope he does not victimize the daffodils he and others purchased in the auction list he…

most recent daffnet journal

Dear Daffnetters, I’m considering joining the Daffodil Society.  May I ask somone (whoever happens to be in the “office”) to send me the necessary information and a recent or back issue of your journal. Thanks, Niels Benatar Niels Benatar Blankenburger…

Imports, Max and Graham,

Hi Kathy,   Pleased to see that the bulbs are doing Ok.  I would suggest that you dead head the stems, move the pots to a cool location (perhaps plunge them in the ground), keep them watered in order to…

another photo of John Beck

Here’s another photo of John Beck.  And going back to Becky’s photo, can you guess which daffodil Debra Pratt is? I have a photo of George and Mary Dorner, too, but like Becky’s, the name of the flower would show…

more FBM costumes

Ross Hotchkiss suggested I send more of the photo of George and Mary Dorner. I couldn’t, or you’d see the tags with the IDs! That photo does show the costume, though. Look at my sentence describing them in the previous…