an experience with color in collections

We in California have a very difficult time growing/keeping white cultivars. They are annuals and just disappear – be it basal rot or whatever.
When I was a starting to exhibit in shows, white blooms were almost never seen. In fact, the NCDS restricted the ADS Purple Ribbon to a collection of five white cultivars – trying to encourage growing them. The unfortunate result was that the Purple Ribbon was never awarded in the NCDS show. I took it as a challenge to stage a Green Ribbon (now the Bozievich Ribbon) with all white blooms. 12 blooms from at least four Divisions. Much buying of white cultivars and frustration ensued. Most blooms for the collection had to come from first-year new bulbs – because that probably would be their only year of bloom. One year it all came together and I staged my all-white collection of 12. Was I proud! The near-impossible had been accomplished! By chance, the NCDS had invited a judge from the East Coast and this judge was assigned to judge the Green Ribbon. When the show opened after judging, I rushed to my collection to see the results. Yes the ADS Green Ribbon was there, and a comment was written on the entry card!: “would have been much better with some color.”