‘Ring of Fire’ – 3Y-YYR

Brian Duncan has given the daffodil world many splendid show flowers of extreme merit and worth. One of my personal favorites (from a long list of my favorites bred by Brian!!) was and IS ‘Triple Crown’ AM, AGM. It has been a firm favorite here since its year of introduction (1987). Early on, I crossed ‘Triple Crown’ with John Blanchard’s exceptional ‘Badbury Rings’. This cross yielded many children which ultimately resulted in several Selections.
‘Ring of Fire’ may well be the best of the progeny that I have raised from this dream cross. It combines the best qualities from both parents and is also a larger flower. It is a large Div. 3 with the vigor, growability, consistency, and rapid increase demonstrated by both of its superb parents.

Steve Vinisky Sherwood, Oregon USA