Hail 2012 – it’s off to a blooming good start.

Happy New Year to all on Daffnet. – Greetings with a few flowers from the greenhouse.

For the first time in weeks the sun came out for a while – on the first day of the year, so, optimistically, I take this as a good omen for the year ahead.

There was enough light to take a few photos and to try and sort out some of the rather similar N. bulbocodium seedlings. 2929 (nicknamed ‘Limey Lass’) which I posted some time ago has been flowering for about a month, some still very fresh, some going over and some with mouldy anthers (this dull,dank weather does that !) but it is a positive flowering explosion with more than 100 flowers in 3 small pots.

Snowdrops are showing white outside, the Witch Hazel is in bloom – so spring cannot be far behind.