Albany show – Lavender Ribbon winner

The Lavender Ribbon is for the best collection of 5 miniature daffodils excluding the class for 5 American-bred miniatures. The flowers in the winning collection are:

V94-25-6 6Y-O (Candlepower x Mitzy) x Beryl V97-34-21 6YYW-Y(v) (Glenbrook Minicycla Group x Snipe) x Gipsy Queen V05-131-11 1Y-O (Little Beauty x The Little Gentleman) x J. Reed seedling 2W-O V03-68-9 1W-W (Small Talk x Candlepower) x Camborne V98-17-24 6Y-Y (Snook x Snipe) x (N. cyclamineus x Candlepower)

The exhibitor was Steve Vinisky.

Kirby Fong