‘Coo’ x N. asturiensis

V05-151-8 is a cross of Rod Barwick’s ‘Coo’ x N. asturiensis. I have only had seed set on ‘Coo’ this one time and it yielded four flattened, seemingly marginal seeds. This seedling displays almost no aspect of the N. cyclamineus grandparent in ‘Coo’ except for a gentle reflex as the flower ages. It looks like a N. asturiensis trumpet with some flaring at the base had been stuck on the narrow perianth of N. bulbocodium subsp. bulbocodium var. tenuifolius. This year it will have two flowers. Note that the scale on the ruler is in millimeters. It is a small flower.

Honestly not much of a flower but an interesting result from a very speculative, exploratory cross.
