An overlooked miniature seedling

At the Australian Championships in Canberra, a striking mini seedling caught my eye. It was the outstanding bloom in the show for me!

Keira miniatureseedlingKeira mini seedling - my photo


This little 3Y-Y seedling from Keira was approx. 25mm in diameter. Its perianth segments were overlapping for over half of their length. The perianth was ironing-board flat. The miniscule cup was more a tiny wire rim, similar to that of N. cavanillesii.  The color was bright.

The unique form of the seedling was unappealing to many, as one offered “it has no cup!” The seedling should offer the breeder an  opportunity to increase the quality of perianths in miniatures – especially Div. 3!

Capturing its qualities by photo was exceedingly difficult. Kevin Crowe did the best with his photo on the left. My awkward attempt on the right is intended to portray the size of the bloom.