Interesting comments about shipping Dutch bulbs

Most of you probably get email from Quality Bulbs. I thought that these comments deserved broad distribution. Presumably, the situation is the same for other sources this year. :


A quiet time for our U.S. daffodil gardens, a critical and busy time for the Holland bulb growers. Record amounts of rainfall coupled with even, cool temperatures during this summer in the Netherlands has made the daffodil harvest late. We hear “the crop is two weeks behind” frequently but suspect that may be conservative. Because the daffodils stayed in the green so long, the bulbs will be big. Carlos said, “Harley, your customers won’t believe that the miniatures are miniatures.”


So far the weather this year in the North Atlantic shipping lanes looks quiet compared to 2020. Last year, Hurricane Teddy was a bruiser who disrupted Rotterdam to Port Newark shipping for weeks in September. Aside from any other climate related surprises, we expect to inspect, pack and ship your orders from Connecticut the first week of October. For our dear Northern customers in zone 4, don’t panic , you are always first on our mind.


Thanks for reading.

Best of health, 

Christopher Harley



The original email contains some interesting photos, as well.