Month: January 2022

On the move!

The ADS Tech Team is preparing for a physical database move”. This job has with work that would best be completed before the move. We ask for your patience and support during this time. Nancy Tackett

Boston Marathon 2022

Good morning I hope you all remember the presentation about the work in Boston trying to heal the wounds from the terrible bombing tragedy. Diane Valle sent a letter and pledge sheet below seeking assistance with this year’s continuing work.…

Virus -?

All, In one clump only, all of the plants are exhibiting slow but progressing leaf tip die-off. Reading thru Dr. Snazelle’s ‘Daffodil Diseases and Pests” the closest diagnosis I come up with is Narcissus tip necrosis virus. Is my diagnosis…

Farewell Theo Sanders

              We recently heard from Theo Sander’s daughter Anja Sanders, that Theo died on December 26, 2021. Anja wanted to let us know because Theo was part of our botanical team taking part in…