Month: March 2022

Refrigeration of Daffodils – ADS Convention

I just got my ADS The Daffodil Journal, March 2022.  There is an excellent article in this journal on how to refrigerate daffodils for a couple of weeks that can be used to get daffodils to our late ADS National…

Early bird registration ends March 28 for Gettysburg

Hi all The hotel extended our chance to reserve rooms at our discounted rate through March 28. Wisely decided our hard working Convention Chairs Richard Ezell and Mary Darling are extending Early Bird registration to match the dates with the…

Blooming now in Ohio

A few of the early ones are blooming now–a few miniatures and sixes, and of course ‘Prologue’, the earliest trumpet. Mary Lou Prologue, Wayne’s World Norwester, Rocket Man


As of this minute Air NZ have advised that they will be flying direct between Auckland and New York from September 17th. Will be in time for a trip to Te Anau.