Convention Photography Show Schedule

I know many of you are in the midst of digging your bulbs. So, take a break and see if you might pass along some pointers. As the 2023 National Convention Chairperson, I am looking for guidance re the photography show standards and schedule.

Teri Carter, the ADS Photography Chair and I need input from Societies who have strong Photog divisions. We are region-blind! COVID, aside, please reply with how you tweak your schedules. What standards/rules work within your regions/societies and especially, what classes are the most popular.

Let me add, knowing that many of us are addicted to other types of plants, we are also involved in other plant societies. If those societies have strong photography divisions, I want to hear all about what they do. So, please do not limit yourselves to information on daffodils. The more information we have, the better informed we are…

If you feel that Daffnet, in general will profit from your comments, please comment here. If not, please reply to me at  title=.

Many thanks, in advance, for your input!