IDing Daffodil cultivars – lord help me I’m gonna try.

In the past year or so I’ve developed a passing interest in daffodils. Simultaneously, my fiance and I bought our first house (USA, OH). It’s over 100 years old and the small garden is full of surprises. Happily, it seems a previous owner really loved daffodils! There’s an entire front bed the length of the house full of them, and they’re in side beds and the backyard too!


… completely unlabeled.


I can tell some of these are fancy pants cultivars and I’d be shocked if they weren’t named. I know with as many thousands of cultivars in existence it’s quite the long shot that anyone can say anything definitive, but there’s enough daffodils here that I figured I may as well try. Maybe one sticks out to somebody. It would be nice to update my garden spreadsheet with better information. (Yep, I’m one of those.)

Thanks in advance, everyone! Even if I don’t find anything specific, it’s nice to meet all of you.

2 comments for “IDing Daffodil cultivars – lord help me I’m gonna try.

  1. Beth,
    Welcome to your case of Yellow Fever !
    Hope you’ve explored joining the American Daffodil Society & your local
    daffodil society.
    Members of both can be a great source of information and suffer from
    that same Fever.
    Without being too invasive, can you tell us what US state or region your
    home is in and if you know the name of the previous owner that might have
    planted all the daffodils.
    Certain divisions of daffs do better in certain areas than others and the
    name might have been the planter.
    That person might have shown your beauties in daffodil shows and if that
    name is known, the time period they exhibited..
    Linda Wallpe

  2. Beth you should contact Linda, she has known more of the daffodil growers in Ohio than most. Your property is too old to be the one I stayed in at Columbus. We will try to identify some flowers for you, but before you decide that they are unlabeled we do try to plant labels under the bulbs-I found one yesterday when I separated two growing in the same place ;)

    last month I found three.  pretty scant compared with what I had dug, but the flowers matched the labels!

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