Daffodil Peggy Newill

From: Ted Newill < title=>
Subject: Peggy Newill Daffodil

Sender’s Email:  title=

Message Body:

I am the son of Peg Newill, past president of the ADS. David Adams bred a daffodil in honor of my mother called the Peggy Newill.
Several years ago, someone from the society helped David transfer a number of bulbs to our family. Unfortunately, due to moves and other things, most of them didn’t survive. How can I go about sourcing these bulbs again. Is anyone in the US growing them?
Thank you very much!!
Best regards,
Ted Newill
Cincinnati, OH

2 comments for “Daffodil Peggy Newill

  1. I have been in touch with Ted. I packed Peggy Newill bulbs in an order that I filled yesterday. I also think that I may have included one in a special package that Kirby is in the process of sending out.

  2. Actually, I see now that the photo next to my name on Daffnet is a photo of the flower of Peggy Newill.

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