Author: Becky Fox Matthews, Tennessee

Straight Arrow

A little patch of Straight Arrow in bloom before the rains we’ve had for the last 36 hours or so. Still no snow, but it’s still predicted for tonight. Becky Fox Matthews that daffy girl near Nashville

N. pseudonarcissus

These are the same daffs I saw in bloom last weekend along Hwy. 32 between I-55 and my hometown, Charleston, MS. I have a patch in my yard I brought back from old family property in MS, as well as…

N. pseudonarcissus

Closeup of a patch of N. pseudonarcissus at a local historic house, Crockett House, circa 1850. I’ve been meaning to stop and take photos of these daffs for years, and finally did on Friday morning. These are by the front…

Iris Pauline?

I know, I discriminate, but I do not keep track as well of the other cultivars. I think this may be the dwarf Iris ‘Pauline.’ Becky