Month: November 2008

another photo of John Beck

Here’s another photo of John Beck.  And going back to Becky’s photo, can you guess which daffodil Debra Pratt is? I have a photo of George and Mary Dorner, too, but like Becky’s, the name of the flower would show…

Autumn Daffodils – today 2

The first is of N. viridiflorus x N. miniatus. Unusual in that they normally do not show much orange in the cup. The second is from N. aureus x N. miniatus. I suppose one could color code it 8wwg-ggg? Only…

Flowering today

I will send this as two emails so as not to overburden some systems. The first two are a batch of N. elegans -seed grown these are flowering for the third time. the best of the line bred N. miniatus.…

more FBM costumes

Ross Hotchkiss suggested I send more of the photo of George and Mary Dorner. I couldn’t, or you’d see the tags with the IDs! That photo does show the costume, though. Look at my sentence describing them in the previous…

More FBM costumes

OK, I’ve been informed Spencer Rainey was also in costume! I didn’t catch that! I had to look that one up, too. Here are our esteemed ADS President and First Lady. See if you can guess their costumes. I may…

Wonderful People

Hi Friends, Daffodil friends are wonderful. Yesterday I received a Christmas present from the USA. It was nicely wrapped with red bow and all. The pair of ski socks were most welcome as we had mid summer snow on the…