Category: Societies and groups

Information and photos of local and regional daffodil groups.

Photos of our best

Four of the five daffodil shows that I intended to Judge this year have cancelled their shows.  Not sure about Chambersburg, PA yet. I will be taking pictures of my daffodils this year and if I have anything worth showing,…

Assistance with extending your stay at the 2020 ADS National Convention!

2020 ads convention logo

Lodging for the 2020 ADS National Convention is at the Hilton Hotel Dallas – Campbell Centre, 8250 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, 75206-1888, Phone: (214) 706-0212. The link above will take you directly to the hotel’s reservation page. Our special…

Cold November

Not much news on olde daffnet. It turned cold here in New Jersey about the first few days in November and stayed cold – and miserable.  I planted my few daffodils in a heavy coat and gloves.  Last year I…