2 comments for “Emailing: Late Show 2009 098

  1. Ron & Margaret,
    Thanks for the pictures you have been posting.
    Alas, I fear ‘Applins’ (J W Blanchard) was never an Intermediate nor was it a rimmed variety, registered as 2W-P.  I suspect some mislabelling.  I had ‘Applins’ for many years and usually about 105 mm dia. or larger. I never saw one as depicted. but maybe your stronger sunshine bleached it out to a rimmy ascan  happen with some varieties.

  2. Hello Everyone,


    The Applins was not an intermediate size bloom.  It was shown in the Intermediate Section of the show.  It is commonplace for NZ local shows to have sections for Novice growers, Intermediate growers, Amateur growers, and Open growers.  This system allows Newbies to build their collection of bulbs as they proceed through the grades.  Most stop in the Amateur grade – Open is populated mostly by commercial and/or very experienced growers.




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