Murphys Show – Havens Award winner, Container Standard correction

Melissa has pointed out a mistake in my posting of the Container Standard award winner. The pot of Kokopelli was her exhibit, not Bob Spotts’.
The Havens Award is for the best collection of 12 standard cultivars from at least three divisions from Divisions 5 through 10. The winning collection was exhibited by Melissa Reading. The flowers are:
Wheatear 6Y-WWY Puppet 5Y-O Marzo 7Y-Y BrightSpot 8W-R Indian Maid 7O-R Rapture 6Y-Y Voices of Sprint 5W-W Pink Hummer 7W-GPP Beryl 6W-YYO Unknown Poet 9W-GYR Whang-Hi 6Y-O Ice Chimes 5Y-Y
Kirby Fong