1st flowers of the season

Here at the new house, The 1st flower of the season has opened. I have always been rather disappointed in Hummingbird since it has never increased for me from the original 3 bulbs (1 flower per bulb) that I purchased some years ago. When I closed on my Mothers house last year around this time, I took these 3 bulbs in full bloom from Moms place and put it in the ground at our new place right then. I was very happy to see the original 3 builbs come up a couple of weeks ago, but then a few days later, saw an amazing 7 buds coming up!!!.. Then, a few days later, I counted 11 buds.. I’ve never heard of that kind of increase even on Brian Duncans famous “Mt Fuji” that increases by 1 flower EVERY year.

The Cherub is a guardian Angel that a very good friend of mine gave me to protect my bulbs.
I’m extremely happy with this clump.


4 comments for “1st flowers of the season

  1. Tom, Save that picture for next year’s photography contest. I think you have a winner! Edie Minnesota: we still have piles of snow by the driveway, but most of the ground is bare–at least until Wednesday’s storm comes through. I’ve seen daffodils poking their heads up through the mulch, but I don’t dare take it off until April. Some other folks are claiming that snowdrops are up and blooming but my early crocus are still under a snow drift. At least we are not as early as last year’s totally goofy season that forced everybody to refrigerate flowers for our mid-May show.

  2. Maybe moving the bulbs had that effect, Tom. Or the new location is just a happier place for them

    Bill Lee

  3. What a wonderful increase; you have planted in “virgin” soil so you might be surprised at all your daffodils by how well they do. One year when my beds were all new my flowers were fantastic!!

    Phyllis Hess.

  4. Tom,
    You know that old expression parents say to their kids: “Don’t make me have to come in there.” Maybe you coming after this clump made them start behaving. :)

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