Katie Page 2Y-YPP

‘Katie Page’ is now in bloom here. Almost three weeks later than normal. The perianth color is much lighter than normal and the corona color is several shades darker. The photo does give you a feel for the smoothness and sublime texture. I rate this as one of the finest Y-P’s that I have yet flowered. Highly, highly consistent in giving pristine, immaculate show blooms. My friend, the late Delia Bankhead, thought that it was the most exciting yellow pinks she had ever seen. She had two blooms of it at the Chicago ADS Convention. High praise indeed!
The photo without the label in the photo is from 2009 and gives a sense of how it looks in an average year. Really how it has appeared in every other year. The photo with the name in the photo is representative of this year. This is a 2011 introduction.
The flower was named for my eldest grand daughter. Flower picked on Thursday morning before the two brutal hailstorms that really tore things up. The worst as well as the largest and most intense hail I’ve seen here in Oregon in twenty years.

Steve Vinisky Sherwood, Oregon USA

2 comments for “Katie Page 2Y-YPP

  1. Friends,
    ‘Katie Page’ is truly a beautiful bloom – a vase of three at Murphys got many favorable comments. You can see it as grown in Oakley (third year down) in Kirby’s photos of the RWB and Bozievich collections from the Fortuna CA Show.

    At 09:00 AM 4/16/2011, Stephen Vinisky wrote:

  2. Was one of three finalists for White today at Chambetrsburg along with Steve’s Continental Divide and Pearson’s Sugar Rose.
    Rod Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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