Not Daffodils

Dear All, It’s not often that I send a email to daffnet that is not daffodil related but this one cuts close to the edge! About 10 years ago I rescued some daffodils form a building site and planted the in a green plastic pot as it was all I had handy at the time. I planted it up with other flower and shrubs to make it look ok and in the first spring it looked just fine! Then one winter’s night a heavy frost put pay to most of the display and the pot was abandoned for a year or so, that was until I noticed the purple flowers of a wild orchid growing in it, from that day to this I have not moved the pot and it is now rewarding me with 3 flower this year and about another 8 or 9 sets of leaves for years to come. Isn’t nature wonderful!
Best wishes to All, Ian

3 comments for “Not Daffodils

  1. Dear All…

    Anyone who knows Denis Dailey will certainly agree with me when I say…It couldn’t happen to a more deserving and hard working individual!


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