
Guess who can,t count — 6 blooms in the final selection.

Premier Div 8 A V X 27 8 W – YO Wilf
This tazetta is also having an excellent season.
A little hard to colour code as the cup colour changes
towards marurity.

Prem 1 W – P Chanson John Hollever.
Always very neat, not a big flower, and does it measure
Trumpet ? ?.

Cheers John.

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1 comment for “Prems.

  1. John,
    Thanks for all the lovely photos. That ‘Melting Point’ looks really special
    in it’s class.
    Ref ‘Chanson’ you rightly point out that it is marginal – sometimes a
    trumpet, sometimes a large cup, this can be related to the season or the
    size of the overall flower. – such cases are always a dilemma and I favour
    the approach of the late John Lea who registered such borderline flowers in
    the division in which they “looked most comfortable”. An earlier prime
    example is ‘Empress of Ireland’ – it mostly measures Div 2 – but would look
    a bit ridiculous in that division. ‘Impeccable’ has won prizes in both
    Divisions 1 & 2 and ‘Gold Convention’ was once subject to a lot of debate.
    ‘Cryptic’ from Jacksons is another that sways between Div. 1 & 2.(David
    jackson and I have stories about that one). It’s an interesting subject to

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