blooming today

We’ve had frost the last few nights, and most of the leaves are down, waiting to be raked up or blown away. I picked a few Knock-Out rose buds, though I don’t know if they may have been frozen too much to open properly. In any case, they make a nice little vase of color.

Harold’s seedlings are looking good. I think there may be one floret yet to open, but the pot looks nice.

Several years ago, Linda Wallpe brought starts of this chrysanthemum to our bulb exchange and said if you cut it back in August, it will bloom in November. Another nice spot of color in the garden, but that’s the end.

Mary Lou

1 comment for “blooming today

  1. Some years ago at a convention in Jackson, Mississippi, Felder Rushing gave a wonderful lecture about PassAlong Plants.
    This mum is such, as I received it from fellow ADS member Liz Ragouzis.
    I’ve since spread it near, far and wide but cut mine back in June.


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