Day: January 28, 2012

Another Lima seedling in bloom

Daffnetters, Lima’s seedling ‘Easter Moon’ x viridiflorus. Starry but attractive to my eye. Pot grown. I have trouble keeping this when I try to grow it in the ground. Bob

Lima seedling with color

Daffnetters, Here’s another Lima seedling blooming now. This color Manuel obtained from Actaea x viridiflorus. I have used these (choosing ones with better perianth) in breeding on Y-R and Y-YYR as pod parents. I apologize for the lack of focus…

bulb increase

Friends, I’ve had an email asking about bulb increase. How many bulbs would you likely have from one bulb, after five years? I know the ones I really want to increase are always the slowest, but haven’t kept records lately.…