A daffodil landmark going under

Daffodil friends,
The Cincinnati paper announced today that the Drawbridge Inn, site of the Cincinnati daffodil annual meeting a few years back, is going into foreclosure. I have fond memories of our meeting there and the announcement is sad. John Reed’s ‘Fort Mitchell’ is also named for that location as the hotel in in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. A lot of us had an awful lot of fun there!
Bill Lee


6 comments for “A daffodil landmark going under

  1. Aaaah, The Drawbridge Inn and the Cincinnati convention!

    How vividly I recall so many A. D. S. convention stalwarts at the Medieval themed costume party. Dear Joe Hamm dressed as a friar. Linda Wallpe looking so much like a queen that you felt the urge to bow and genuflect. Bill Lee was dressed as a king in a costume that included tights. He garnered admiring glances and many favorable comments on his “finely turned calves”! Brian Duncan turned out impeccably attired as a Franciscan monk bestowing good daffodil blessings on us all. Tom Stettner and I both arrived dressed as Jesters, our hats with many points ending in bells. My motley was in black and white diamonds which caused a dear friend from England to remark that, “Vinisky looks like the Michelin Tire Man disguised as an Oreo cookie”.

    It was a hysterically funny event and a great A. D. S. Convention. Sorry to hear about the hotels financial difficulties Bill, but thanks ever so much for bringing to mind the real fun time at that Convention.


  2. Thanks for contributing to the memories, Steve. We worked out butts off for that convention but we sure did have a lot of fun too!


  3. Bill, It was great fun and we let out hair down and just had a good time.  Yes,
    fond memories.  Sigh!  Men in tights!
    I still grow Fort Mitchell, too.


  4. I remember it well. The fancy dress may have been slightly controversial but it worked a treat as we all acted like party kids and I have some nice pictures from the evening and you are right Steve – Linda was the Queen of the Ball. I think St Brendan’s was distributed lavishly on that occasion. Pity about the venue.

  5. That was my first full convention, Bill, and the medieval theme was such fun!
    For those who were not there, Bill Lee offered on Daffnet that anyone coming to
    the convention w/o a costume could catch a ride with him to the local costume
    shop and I and others took him up on his offer. I found a peasant girl outfit
    (fitting for a newbie at convention!).

    That night I sat with Wayne Steele from CA, Suzy Wert (Indianapolis), Sara Van
    Beck (Atlanta), and Weldon Childers (AL). I met so many new friends in
    those few days and had such a wonderful time!

    The garden tours were fantastic–Don and Marge Caton’s with their music-themed
    daffodil bed, Mary Lou’s beds of daffs residing happily with wildflowers, Linda
    Wallpe’s with her daffmobile and Harry Potter garden, and Bill and Hurst’s
    woodland garden. The awards ceremony also featured costumes. And I’ll never
    forget Richard Ezell’s tale of the Wild Arkansas Daffodils!

    I hope these photos will show up: me and Wayne, Suzy and Sara, Weldon. If not,
    I’ll send them separately in additional emails.

    If any of you are _not_ planning to attend the convention in Baltimore this
    April, please reconsider! Send in your registration and join us for a few fun
    days with daffodils and daffodil friends! http://marylanddaffodil.org/

    American Daffodil Society logo
    Becky Fox Matthews
    1st //Vice President*
    American Daffodil Society, Inc.***


  6. Bill, I had a wonderful time at that convention also but does anyone remember the flower designs that the men did at a workshop-type of event.   That was a great time too and fun–such good designers.  

    All in all a great memory and the work everyone did was so appreciated.

    Carolyn Hawkins

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