Gibbs Gardens Postcript


Over 30 years, Jim Gibbs has been involved with planting of 3.5 million daffodil bulbs over 50 acres.  Gibbs estimates that natural increase of the planted daffodil bulbs has resulted in several times the 3.5 million bulbs that were planted, perhaps 10 million, or even more, daffodil are found at Gibbs Gardens today.


Theodore E. Snazelle, Ph.D.

101 Water Oaks Drive

Clinton MS 39056-9733


1 comment for “Gibbs Gardens Postcript

  1. G’day All,
    Here in Australia we have had a very wet summer. The cochicums are flowering which is normal for this time of the year also daffodils are showing, they have another 6 months before they should flower.
    Regards Brenda
    From down under

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