So close, yet so far

This is V02-42-3 which is a cross of: (Glisten x Altun Ha) x Gipsy Queen. It measure between 52 mm and 53 mm in diameter so it is a 1Y-Y Intermediate and not a Miniature. Don’t mean to sound complaining over this nice, very small Intermediate. However, had it measured below 50 mm (making it a Miniature) and retained this quality, a celebration (or at least a minor whoopee party) might well have been in order. It has much improved substance and a nice satin like sheen. So close to measuring Miniature, yet so far away. From one point of view there is vast disappointment, I was really looking forward to that whoopee party! We’ll see about holding one next year.

In all seriousness, I am quite interested to see what the next generation of seedlings will measure using the above as a parent. The first of the seedlings from the above clone, using its pollen crossed onto other Miniatures, will start to bloom next year.
As a general observation, Intermediate daffodils used as parents are giving remarkably fine Miniature and Intermediate progeny.