Ides of March

The Ides of March took its toll early here in central Ohio. Around 5:45
this morning we had a massive hail and thunderstorm. Perhaps as much as 4″
of rain in some areas, many roads flooded out. That will teach those
daffodils to come up early — most of them battered from what I could see during
a quick inspection this morning. Fortunately, most are still just at
early foliage stage.

Drew Mc Farland

4 comments for “Ides of March

  1. 92F here yesterday, with sustained mid and high-80s this week and next.
    There’s no rain, either. Our last rain of measure was about two weeks
    ago, the first in a while. To boot, we’ve got wind, l-o-t-s of wind…
    Last week the daffodils were mostly in bud, and this week they are in
    full bloom. Tom Stettner’s glorious harbinger, ‘Ice Follies’, has
    already finished, as have a handful of others whose presence in the
    borders was but fleeting. And our daffodil show is 14 April… At this
    rate we should have roses and tall bearded irises to enter! Our tulips
    are coming into full bloom, and most of the flowering trees and shrubs
    are well past peak.

    Goodbye spring and hello summer, in this last official week of a winter
    that hasn’t been.


    Jason A. Delaney | North Gardens Supervisor and Bulb Collections
    Specialist | Department of Horticulture | Missouri
    Botanical Garden

    Post Office Box 299 63166-0299 | 4344 Shaw Boulevard 63110
    | Saint Louis | Missouri | United States of America

    Telephone (011 + 1) 314.577.0234 ext. 7 | Facsimile (011 + 1)
    314.577.9465 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

  2. Here in Columbus, about 35 miles west of Drew, we got nearly nothing.  Just a
    tiny bit of rain.  Sorry Drew, but I think the bulk of your daffodils should
    still be ok.
    I remember a foot of snow in mid April a few years ago.  We are not out of the
    woods, yet.

  3. Hey Guys,

    The Ides of March was spectacular! We had two inches of pea sized hail and 4
    and 1/2″ of rain in a couple of hours. In our 37 years here, never seen
    anything like it. The daffodils in bloom (about 1%) were beaten into a pulp,
    the rest are trying to recover. I believe they will. Our pond water came up
    in about an hour two feet over the dock! Now down, but totally muddy.

    I am thinking about what the shows this spring will have – should be
    interesting. Don’t know what we will have for our Daffodil Stroll on the
    12th. Oh well – we have what we have. We have had our first three car loads
    looking this year – I thought they would be too early – but not really!

    Jill Griesse

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