2012 , John Hollever , Ducks and – — –

John Hollever and I were pleased to host the Baby Boomer tourists and
other Central Daffodil Group members at our daffodil blocks as they
moved down the North Island from Hamilton to Wellington .
Kirby has just posted a few pics from the visit .
Most who saw Johns show beds were impressed with the growth ; his show
results are well deserved .
It was the long , — 220 metres row we call the fence row , that quite
a few commented on .At the end was a big block of large cabbages , destined
for the coleslaw factory .

John and Sue have a great helper in little ” luca ” , Johns shadow .
The big frames , some covered in cloth , others plastic , are his flower covers .
And if you get to the end of the row , and many did , you deserve a big cabbage .

I was up collecting the first seed pods ( early redcups ,pollinated early July )
last week and surprised a mother duck and family , going down the fenceline .
She ducked for cover , but hadn,t heard of zoom lenses .

Ducks and ducklings on a lot of our rural roads at this time of the year .
Did the tourists noted any of our rather unique road signs .
It,s not just the Waikato that has Pukes , Peter .
I won,t give way to them but will to those on the second sign , just
a little further down the road .

Must be spring .

Cheers John .