Today’s Greens

A lot of green flowers are opening now. These are all from open pollinated seed from some of Manuel Lima’s N. viridiflorus seedlings but are probably 3rd and 4th generation by now. I will probably cross most of these together. They vary from miniatures to intermediates in size. The first of these is one of the better ones for size and petal width and needs to be crossed with most of the others. It is intermediate and measures 60 mm across, but because it carries two flowers to the stem would really be classed as a Div. 7G-G and the term intermediate does not really apply.

All of those illustrated today generally carry two to three florets on the stem. I would like to get rid of the multi-flowering nature and have single florets on the stem.







I like the second one which to my mind has some grace. It measures 45 mm across. It is one of those that tends towards the blue-green colors.







Here is one of the tiniest measuring only 35 mm across. One of the petals was damaged in the punishing cold dry Santa Ana winds we had two days ago. I like the corona in this one although the tepals are rather weak.







Here is another miniature that shows some orange in the corona. It measures 42 mm in diameter.







Last is Lima’s Verdant Jet that has now developed its orange color in the corona. This is the same flower as shown a few days ago.