4 comments for “V99-36-12, 10W-W selection

  1. Steve,

    With those parents it should bloom about Christmas time.  How about this for a name ‘White Christmas’



  2. Hi Clay,

    Thanks for the name idea!

    The flower blooms almost a month after ‘Yuletide’ which I named with the holidays in mind. It is also blooming in a greenhouse but is still at least a month away from blooming outside in the raised Miniatures bed(s).


  3. Steve,

    All the parents except N. obesus blooms for me in November and December.  Obesus is late in my garden.  (This year N. cantabrisus is holding out for warmer weather).

    I also have some of my hybridized N. b that have been blooming for 5 or 6 years that I too haven’t decided to name or give away as numbered seedlings.  I’m getting too many seedling to just hang on to them with a limited planting area. There are a couple yellow ones that  bloom (now and then) too large to be miniature.  They have N. obesus in their direct breeding.

    My avatar on my postings is one of my standard hybridized seedlings, ‘Champagne Marie’ named after my mother-in-law Marie Bozievich.  One of her nicknames.


  4. Clay,

    I have no doubt that you will be bringing us lovely and impressive seedlings.

    One of the really fabulous aspects of daffodil hybridizing is the tremendous diversity. A hybridizer can set their own benchmarks and criteria. Keep to your vision!

    Two things that have worked out well for me as far as disposing of non-selected seedlings. I have donated huge numbers to a pioneer cemetary for planting. They are quite appreciative and the bulbs add to the lovely setting. The second has been to make available both dry bulbs and potted bulbs in flower to local landscape contractors. The prices are low but the bulbs they plant show up in the most interesting places.


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