Inquiry about transportation from Gettysburg to BWI

When I depart the ADS Gettysburg Convention, I will be flying out of BWI. I’m not clear on what transportation options there are, for me to be able to get to BWI in a cost effective, no hassle mode (I DESPISE shuttle transportation that takes twice as long as it should because the company stopped at every pig path on the way to pick up and drop off). If you have input/advice – I’d be appreciative for your feedback.


Jaydee Atkins Ager



1 comment for “Inquiry about transportation from Gettysburg to BWI

  1. I live near Frederick, Md.

    Unless the Hotel offers transportation to BWI, you will have to either ride with someone from the convention who is also going to BWI, or get to Frederick, Md and arrange for a Taxi to take you.  They are not cheap, but will get you there.  

    Unfortunately, due to family commitments, I will not be able to help get you to Frederick.  
    Perhaps someone could get the word out for you at the convention about your need for a ride.

    Lewis Turner

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