Can you identify this flower?

This is a photo was provided by Jim Canale who lives in Kansas.  His mother had a small garden in the front of her house which includes these flowers.   They tend to pop up in March every year through the snow and ice.

This photo was taken in early April 2021 and Jim said that last year there were only 10 of these.

He said these are very short less than 8 or 9″ except one which is 12″.  Jim’s mother stopped gardening in 2014.  I suspect due to the 20 plus stems in the clump, these must have been planted years before 2014.

Jim does not know where his mother acquired the bulbs. The photo is not very clear, but the only one he has.

He is very insistent that his mother did not like orange and that he never saw orange in the cup, only yellow.

Do you have any ideas about the identification of this daffodil?