Ride after Atlanta ADS convention?

I am searching for a ride northeast out of Atlanta after the ADS convention.  I will be visiting my brother in western South Carolina.  I need to get somewhere along I-85 in the vicinity of Greenville, SC, or along Hwy 11 heading toward Cleveland, SC or Hendersonville, NC.  Somewhere near these areas will make it easy for my brother to meet me.  Might someone reading this be heading in that direction after the convention, and have room for another person and a suitcase?  I will happily pay for gas!
Ideally I would like to head out first thing on Monday morning, March 13, as I hope to attend the Sunday evening dinner and programs.
If you can possibly offer me a ride, please contact me via private email:  title=.
Looking forward to seeing folks in Atlanta!  Thanks so much – Margaret Macneale