5 comments for “10 days till the National Daffodil Show

  1. Wow, what a beautiful photo! But not what the daffodils need to start blooming. It looks like you need some major weather changes in a hurry if there is any chance of bring daffodils to the convention. I thought I had it bad with the rain and wind, that looks like a major problem. So sorry, I am sure you would like to bring some of your new seedling to the convention. We all would have enjoyed seeing them also.

  2. Bill, too bad that we don’t have a photography show class, titled “daffodils undercover”. You could certainly enter this one and win!

  3. Darrin – Not a bad idea.   I’ll talk to the Photography Chair.  Oh wait she’s upstairs.

  4. How about a before and after competition? One photo of your daffodils in bloom and another that shows the same plot from the same viewpoint at another time of the year. It seems more like a landscape design competition, but could be fun. I’ve always like the tours of private gardens we sometimes have at conventions to see how “normal” daffodil lovers grow theirs. This is about 1/4 of the left side of the front yard looking from the house. This was 2 days ago and a lot more is in bloom here in middle TN now.

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