Help with Identification

Hello everyone!

I have three bags of bulbs I can’t identify. Their photos are below.

Something pink and frilly

Huge flat corona

Double with excellent form and color

Any ideas?

-Matt Duddy

6 comments for “Help with Identification

  1. Matt,

    Not sure about the three daffodils. The 2W-P looks familiar. Liked the
    cat. Good seeing you yesterday in Chambersburg, PA.


  2. Matt, the split corona is Gabriel Kleiberg, and the double is Ice King, also known as Double Ice Follies.  The pink is similar to Mon Cheri, but it’s too refined, and too pale. It’s lovely.


  3. Mr. Delaney,

    You hit the bullseye on Gabriel Kleiberg. That’s definitely it, and thank you!

    I can be persuaded on Ice King, but I have never seen it look this good. Ice King is typically light-yellow, with considerable variation among blossoms.

    [caption id="attachment_171074" align="alignnone" width="120"] Ice King[/caption]

    This is vivid yellow-orange, with more regular flowers. I have been referring to it as “Full House on Steroids”, but it’s not that. The bulbs are much bigger than those of Ice King, but that might be due to generous amounts of fertilizer.

    [caption id="attachment_171073" align="alignnone" width="120"] These bulbs vs. Ice King[/caption]

    That could could explain the improvements in form and saturation. I’ll see what it does next year, and appreciate the suggestion.

    We’re not there yet on Pink Frilly. I agree, the form is very close to Mon Cheri. But the color is different.

    [caption id="attachment_171071" align="alignnone" width="120"] Mon Cheri[/caption]

    Mon Cheri starts out yellow, and remains more saturated from beginning to end. These open cherry pink, and quickly lighten to pale coral.

    Thanks for your help, and I’d be happy to send some bulbs over for you to check out in person next spring. Just call!


  4. Matt, if your Ice King is light yellow, then you are growing its mutation known as Full House.  It’s to Ice King as Raoul Wallenberg is to Ice Follies.  The are frequently mixed in the trade.

  5. Mr. Delaney,

    I grow Full House as well, and think of it as an improvement over Ice King. The stems are definitely stronger, and the flowers more consistent. Ice King is indeed a faster grower, and has volunteered itself too much. In contrast, I’ll need a few more years to get Full House back up online.

    Regarding “mixed in the trade”…

    All of these were purchased as something else, and substituted on me. The little joke “The Dutch never run out of anything” is not amusing. I have decided to grow everything here as a result, and shall not have regrets. Over the next several years, we’re going to see some wonderful new choices on the market… and I can’t wait!



  6. Mr. Duddy,

    your double looks like a double sport of Slim Whitman to me, another sport of Ice Follies. There is no registration of such a flower, but Ice Follies seems to have great potential as a source of sports that vary in both colour and form.
    Since Ice Follies is still grown in such quantities it would not be surprising if yet another sport of it (or one of its registered mutations..) would have been overseen in the field of origin and has found it`s way to your garden.

    Petra V.

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