Ready for Winter

I’ve finished my daffodil planting this year. I don’t know if it fortunate or unfortunate that bulbs divide. This year I gave away packages of bulbs that I distributed across the east coast and still had to naturalize a fair amount of bulbs to get all of them in the ground.  Thanks to the Georgia Daffodil Group for taking a large amount of my miniature jonquils mixture of seedlings and species.

Going to 6 daffodil shows this year and having to do a lot of driving on New Jersey Interstate highways, turnpikes and parkways has taught me a new term: “Do a New Jersey.” That means that in NJ you don’t slow down and get in the right lane to make a right turn off a major multi-lane highway. Instead you stay high speed in the left lane until you get to the turn off lane, and do a high speed (suicide) merge across traffic into the turn lane, when you do that you have completed: Do a New Jersey.  New Jersey drivers are always in a hurry and can’t bother to slow down just for a right hand turn.




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