2023 RHS Daffodil, Tulip and Snowdrop Yearbook

New Year 2024 is starting off on the right foot. The 2023 RHS Daffodil, Tulip and Snowdrop Yearbook were just delivered. This is one of the most anticipated publications of the year. It is never entirely clear when it will publish and print. This year you will have plenty of time during the winter doldrums to catch up on some horticultural activity from around the world.

You will be treated to many wonderful Daffodil articles. Leading the pact is an article by John Gibson on the rare Division 3 white-whites. Another of interest to the connoisseur is a discussion of N x xanthochlorus by John David. There is an RHS trial evaluating shorter Daffodils. Ann Wright and Dave Hardy co-author their techniques and challenges involved in transporting cut flowers to a show. This must be especially challenging to Ann because she specializes in such tiny flowers. Of course, the Yearbook includes articles on Snowdrops, such as the Turkish Bulb Project and Tulips where there is considerable concern about the loss of natural habitats and climate change challenges. Plus, there are many other concise articles to entertain and educate.

There were some slight differences in pricing from Euro back to Pounds to US Dollars. The difference in exchange rates was less than a dollar. So, we decided to keep the price the same for this year’s issue at $29 which includes tax and shipping as usual. You are welcome to order your copy on the webstore under the Publications tab or use Zelle to my email address     title=     or mail a check to the American Daffodil Society 8374 E State Rd 45, Unionville, IN 47468. Some have even been able to drive to my home and pick up their copy. All work in the ADS.