World Conventions

I am currently putting together a history of World Daffodil Conventions as I have attended most of them. Lesley Ramsay has provided comment on 1976 in Hamilton and my first was in 1984. Was there a Convention in between? If so please provide me with details. Thank you.

2 comments for “World Conventions

  1. I’m not of much help regarding any World Convention details, but I’d love to print your results, or an excerpt from it, in the Journal, David. Please keep in touch about your progress and I’ll make sure to put a little blurb requesting that people send you information in the March issue. Good luck!

  2. David, I lost where there was a conversation about this on FB/Meta, so I’ll respond here. Check out this publication also on Dafflibrary: The-ADS-The-First-Fifty-Years-opt PDF (

    Only one bit popped up when I did a search for World Convention, but I did see at least one other reference to a World Convention that didn’t pop up that is on p. 85. Actually, the word “World” is the last word on p. 85 and “Convention” is the first word on p. 86. There could be other references.


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