A daffodil similar to Little Beauty

I have a question.  I have grown Little Beauty for some time, and after a few years of growing it, a similar daffodil bloomed in the group of Little Beauty that was solid yellow.  This picture shows that solid yellow daffodil with Little Beauty also in the picture.  I am curious if anyone may know what the cultivar name might be.  This solid yellow flower is about the same size and height of Little Beauty, and started to bloom a few days before Little Beauty.

Just curious.

4 comments for “A daffodil similar to Little Beauty

  1. I would suggest open pollinated seedlings common only to you. Enjoy them, they are yours.

  2. That looks like Little Gem growing with your Little Beauty. It’s possible there was a small offset chip mixed in the bag that is only now flowering. They are often *really* mixed, either in the field or in the warehouses.

    Jason Delaney, PHS Daffodils

  3. Jason,

    I have had Little Beauty for a number of years, and probably after planting it then after about 5-6 years ‘Little Gem’ showed up.  It could have happened as you suggested.  Thanks.

    I also appreciate Dave Adams thoughts.  Daffodils sometimes do set open pollenated seeds, and we occasionally find one of those appearing.  That is a possibility too.

    Whatever the case,–they are to be enjoyed.  Thank you both for your comments.



  4. Thank you all for your comments about Little Beauty blooming in my yard.  I really appreciate what was shared.  Thank you–and I received another comment about the all yellow daffodil blooming with Litlle Beauty could also be a sport.   That is something we do not see discussed much in the Daffodil World–but it could be a consideration.  Thank’s for that comment.  Maybe some might have some thoughts of ‘sports’ when it comes to Daffodils.

    Spring is steadily progressing here in Maryland.

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