Category: Intermediates

Discussions and photos about Intermediate size daffodils with a diameter of 50mm up to and including 80 mm.

Glencoe show – Intermediate Ribbon winner

The best intermediate bloom is selected from the Intermediate section and standard collections. The winner was Lissome 2W-W exhibited by Jennifer Brown. That’s all the postings for tonight. I’ll post some more national show award winners tomorrow. Kirby Fong

Glencoe show – Bender Ribbon winnet

The Bender Ribbon is awarded only at the national show and is for the best bloom in the Challenge section. The Challenge sections has classes for 3, 6, and 12 cultivars exhibited by the hybridizer. The flowers could be named…

Prepare to be stumped. A star poet?

Folks: I’ve already sent this around to some historic enthusiasts and some of our most knowledgeable members, including those with field experience with species.  So far, no one has seen its like before.  It’s been fully checked on Daffseek as both…

IDS – Best in Show: Amy Linea by Linda Wallpe

The Gold Ribbon for the best in show, as WELL as the Intermediate ribbon was awarded to Amy Linea, exhibited by Linda Wallpe. Amy has always been a challenge to photograph and today is no different. Tom